

我們可以的 by 陳珊妮

音樂錄影帶:I Love You,John | 雙人體操

Promotion Video:青春 |美好人生 | B級動作片 | Naive | 你在煩惱些什麼呢?John

曲目:ok | 青春 | B級動作片 | Naive | I Love You,John | 晚安曲 | 美好人生 | Bitte | 愛情 | 雙人體操

What If It Matters: Believers | What if it matters |Delicate love |Mine/The secret | Unsaid | Gloomy Sunday Rosy | The Rain | Lodged In Time | Nighttide Allure | リンゴ追分

 "What If It Matters"為"如果有一件事是重要的"英文版專輯,僅於"I Love You,John"台灣預購期間贈送。



“這是今年最佳的舞曲專輯。是的,不需要懷疑,《I Love You,John》秒殺了一大串名字。”——— 南方都市報






實體購買:博客來 | 誠品網路書店 | 5大唱片 | 佳佳唱片
網路下載:IndieVox | KKbox |




一個玩音樂的外國朋友突然接到母親過世的消息。他看起來心情很平靜, 說這幾年是他和母親最親近也最快樂的時光。
當時她七十多歲時,某個平凡早晨, 朋友接到母親的電話, 整個對話都是關於"皇后合唱團"--他們究竟是哪裡來的?

當然那早已不是皇后合唱團活躍的年代, 主唱 Freddie Mercury也過世了。總之七十多歲的母親突然變成皇后合唱團的歌迷, 她想擁有所有皇后合唱團的專輯, 想瞭解每一首歌背後的故事, 想知道過去的演唱會上發生過什麼。自有記憶以來從未特別喜歡過什麼音樂的母親, 從此瘋狂的愛上皇后合唱團, 每天聽的都是皇后合唱團的音樂, 開始參加皇后合唱團的歌迷聚會。

母子倆開始相約喝咖啡一起吃晚餐。"你應該也跟我一樣很想知道, 她為什麼在七十多歲的某一天迷上皇后合唱團吧! 於是有一天我問了, 你知道她怎麼說的嗎?"


這是一個直率又自然的理由, 只是我們都沒想到而已。

他說母親的晚年過得很開心, 因為皇后合唱團的音樂, 因為開始對他的工作感興趣, 因為那些愉快的電話和約會。

我們是從幾歲開始不再關心流行音樂呢? 幾歲開始不再參加搖滾演唱會? 什麼時候開始討厭年輕人的裝扮和語彙? 卻又希望自己看起來仍然像個年輕人。
什麼時候開始開歐巴桑的玩笑? 用那種類似歐巴桑的口氣...

我們可以像個大人, 起床時接受鏡子裡自己的樣子, 睡前反省自己的人生。 我們也可以像個孩子, 無時無刻想些有趣的事, 累積種種聊賴的夢想。 我們可以很熱血, 可以很憂傷, 也可以很擺爛, 我們可以更成熟同時充滿青春的幻想。

這是一張這樣的專輯-- 就像成長從來不是什麼祕密, 面對未來全憑揣測, 我們只需盡量變成比想像中更好的人。


詞/曲: 陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

所謂的夢想 我們只是想 夢只是講講
所謂的希望 我們抬頭望 看… 遠方
19歲的生日過了幾天 算都算不清楚拿什麼紀念
27歲多加幾個附點 音樂反覆唱不出點觀念

漸漸的失眠弱點偏見 多到來不及盤點
OK OK 只要不看未來 還OK OK
OK OK 只要別想過去 還OK OK

所謂的夢想 我們只是想 夢只是講講
所謂的希望 我們抬頭望 看… 遠方
重複的日子過了幾年 算都算不清楚拿什麼懷念
允諾著習慣毫不檢點 微笑歸納成為優越理念
悄悄的風險詐騙成見 籠罩上你我眉眼
OK OK 只要不看自己 還OK OK
OK OK 只要別想太多 還OK OK


詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

給我一點遺憾 讓我學學詠嘆
給我一點靈感 抱怨這世代
我隨風搖擺 我無聊自在
給我一點迷幻 藉機使壞

音樂 請你請你快拯救我
請你請你教我搖滾 請你請你給我靈魂
音樂 請你請你快拯救我 請你請你讓我翻滾


詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

聽電話碎裂沒了聲響 看相機飛濺幾道閃光
玻璃杯劃破一臉安詳 等香煙燒完所有倔強

請你打動我 慢動作解說 愛令人沈迷 優雅格鬥
等你打動我 慢動作解脫 愛讓人沈迷 暴力動作

遙控器分裂愛的選項 鏡子破滅了蠢蠢慾望
打火機摩擦你我狂妄 等酒精揮發祈求原諒

請你打動我 慢動作解說 愛令人沈迷 優雅格鬥
等你打動我 慢動作解脫 愛讓人沈迷 暴力動作

我倆如電影一般瘋狂 我倆註定要繼續受傷
我愛你分明如此善良 你愛我能否和平收場



詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

天有天懂的風雲 就像你自有你的神韻
月有月沈溺的缺 越凝視越是看不清
雲有雲懂的秩序 就像你自有你的樂趣
風由風自由面對 我就是睜不開眼睛

Naïve 是我的病 不管這種世界有沒有人了解我
Naive 是我的病 自私自卑自哀自戀自在的生活

花有花給的暗語 就像你自有你的驚喜
命由命自由分配 誰知道誰能得到你

Naive 是我的病 不管這種世界有沒有人了解我
Naive 是我的病 自私自卑自哀自戀自在的生活

I Love You,John


幹嘛John John很奇怪 到底是不是John
就John 還是不要John Oh大概就John

幹嘛John John很奇怪 到底是不是John
就John 還是不要John 就John
I Love You John
I Love You John

潮流不懂Nancy 潮男討厭Mary
現在的女孩都喜歡John 很有型
John就好了Jessie, John就對了Debby
但 真愛 真的是John嗎



詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇 

小星星 眨著你的小眼睛
閃著你的小憂鬱 想著你的小問題

小東西 閉上你的小眼睛
別管那些小耳語 別耍那些小聰明

Baby Pink
Baby Blue
Baby Grand




詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

我們一直走 會走到哪裡
全新的遊樂場 精品店的櫥窗
我們一直走 會走到哪裡

美好人生副歌怎麼唱 聽起來才動人有思想
靈魂樂迷心底的悲傷 全是舊愛難忘

我們一直走 會走到哪裡
子夜無人機場 親密愛人肩膀
我們一直走 會停在哪裡

美好人生副歌怎麼唱 聽起來才動人有思想
靈魂樂迷心底的悲傷 全是舊愛難忘

美好人生副歌怎麼唱 聽起來才有我的模樣

願你從此 快樂 健康


詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

她想戒煙 戒酒 戒晚餐
想借錢 借愛 借男伴
我不帶一點戒心 只借幾句呢喃

她想要個戒指求心安 用借代詞說得舒緩
我卻無法界定 你的愛

Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我
Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我

她想藉機 藉酒 解孤單
用藉口 借愛 討歡快
我想我毫不在意 她借一點手段
她想要的都與我無關 生離死別說得悲哀
我該如何得到 你的愛

Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我
Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我

我愛你你愛我 等於一點貪婪圖點痛快
Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我
Bitte 接受我 Bitte 接受我


詞/曲:陳珊妮 編曲:陳珊妮、李艾璇

別輕視一個祕密 別錯過愛的時間
我何必拼命掩飾 那幾道痕跡
請牢記此刻甜蜜 請緊緊依偎親親
你只需簡單刻畫 就令我動心

我受過很重很重的傷 經歷過最糟糕的排場
我有種很壞的預感: I'm sorry 好的才和你分享

請牢記此刻甜蜜 請緊緊依偎親親
你只需簡單刻畫 就令我動心

我受過很重很重的傷 戒不掉對幸福的幻想
我有種很壞的預感: I'm sorry 好的才和你分享

別輕視一個祕密 別錯過愛的時間
要是我雙眼緊閉 都聽不到你呼吸
要是你嘴唇輕啟 都只剩嘆息

至少有一首歌 叫做 愛情


inspired by 國民健康操&Young Turks

兩手插腰請別生氣 我們運動一下
言語內外迂迴繞圈 我們運動一下
她挺胸深呼吸示意 我們運動一下
他左右彎體仍猶豫 我們運動一下

I Love You 雙人四肢運動
I Love You 雙人轉體運動
I Love You 雙人調節運動
I Love You 健康靠多運動

曖昧玩笑太過浮躁 我們運動一下
眉目傳情難免紛擾 我們運動一下
她肩頸美麗的伸展 我們運動一下
他前後彎體仍猶豫 我們運動一下

I Love You 雙人四肢運動
I Love You 雙人轉體運動
I Love You 雙人調節運動
I Love You 健康靠多運動
I Love You 雙人四肢運動
I Love You 雙人轉體運動
I Love You 雙人調節運動
I Love You 幸福靠多運動


曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

Though there was a time
When we were young
and we shall never fear or having doubt
believers' swear
we will be the ones behold the peace sign
on each and in everyone
I used to pray
pray for the life of those who baffled against their rigid mind
(I) can't help but care
care about my dearest friends
and bitter foes that lies onto the sandbank
right beneath the starry sky with all my love
though it never stop
though we were apart
then you will hear
within your heart

Though it is the time
when youth has gone
they never thought that we could get this far
Believers' swear
There will be a day we hold the piece sign
to hold and to share the love

I used to play
play every game that once were told to be the righteous way can't hardly wait
wait until the sun rise
and the moon falls yet you weep onto the sandbank
right beneath the starry sky
with all my love
though it never stop
though we were apart
then you will hear
not from your ear
heavenly breed
a pretty tune


What if it matters

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

You long for passion that never end
or whether staying young all the way
Do you live up to be the greatest man
or hold on to that moment in hand
You're hoping for a wasted good fate
or see misfortune in a blessing way
The memories go as far as your mind gets
The future could be either good or bad

What if, what if
We hold the keys to our mystic mind
What if, what if
We're ones who turn the straights to winding lines
We've got a whole life to keenly think it through

Would you prefer to be beautify
or rather give away a grateful smile
All pretty face had a greedy eye
what's gonna be is out of your sight

What if it matters to the whole wide world
It matters to all the rights and wrongs

Delicate love

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

I knew, I tried, I did, I realized
I laughed, I cried, I sighed, I lied
I closed my eyes and walked you all the way through
There you smiles with sweet and stubbornness too

My never-ending story shows
You'll be with me forevermore
I'll give you strength to carry on
To be loved, to give love, to show me your delicacy of love

You knew, you tried, you did, you realized
You laughed, you cried, you sighed, you lied
You've broken every rules to prove the real you
You kept your heart away from promises too

My never-ending story shows
You'll be with me forevermore
I'll give you strength to carry on
To be loved, to give love, to show me your delicacy of love

My never-ending story shows
You'll stay with me and never go
I'll give you strength to carry on
You will see, I've become, the one that is worthy of your true love

Mine/The secret

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

A day has begun
The lies ain't gonna stop here
They woke me up
(Said) My life was twist and torning
It ain't no secret to me
You've got another lady
I saw you faking a smile to me
Ain't nothing bad to set me free
I'd rather watch you suffering
And if you choke I'll wait and see
A class of wine would make you high
and two of it you'll never lie
At the end you'll still be mine

I was a girl innocent and caring
Now I am one who is mean and bitchy
Maybe I love you like a fool
But there is nothing you could do
You'll have to take me as I am

Ain't nothing bad to set me free
I'd rather watch you suffering
And if you choke I'll wait and see
A class of wine would make you high
and two of it you'll never lie
At the end you'll still be mine

Ain't nothing good to set you free
I am myself who's suffering
To my regret, you'll never leave
You are my favorite cup of tea
My sweetness made us meant to be
And at the end you'll fall for me

To my regret,
you will.


曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

I always seems so certain
It's doesn't take a talent
(to) waste my time on you
But can I have your moment

Driving down the road
You smile but it's over
I wondered just what happened
It's right around the corner

I longed to return home in the silence
Din of traffic played a lonely tune
I try to catch my breath when your love fled
The emptiness still keep you close
Closer still

I always seems so certain
It's doesn't take a talent
(to) blur your eyes a little
We are so alike but different

Driving down the road
I smile because it's over
Ain't gonna happen
(to) be my choosey lover

I longed to return home in the silence
Din of traffic played a lonely tune
I try to catch my breath when your love fled
The emptiness still keep you close
Closer still

I longed to return home in the silence
Din of traffic played a lonely tune
I try to catch my breath when your love fled
Knowing that I'm not the one

I always seems so certain
I don't have that talent
(to) stay with you forever
Now it is the final moment

Driving down the road
Thing's are better than ever
You are impossible
Impossible to tell

Left unsaid
Better left unsaid

Gloomy Sunday Rosy

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

I heard an angel singing lullabies in early morning
It took a deep breath whispered dirty deeds as in sacred writings
A mystery, keep on singing in mysteries

Sun has disappear in the supposedly bright and shining morning
It cast a gloomy shadow all over the rosy Sunday sky
But I won’t cry
My gloomy eyes, I won’t cry

Are you seeing what I see
with something eerie
Are you hearing what I hear
It's the devil singing
Are you growing restlessly
I'm all spinning and turning
So you stoop to pluck me the rose
when it's glooming silently

The sound of angel sings
(I'll) love it endlessly

The Rain

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

It's getting dark
Clouds stick around
But you choose to run away from me and the clouds
You are dry and calm
I am getting drawn
Its gonna rain somehow

Its getting dark
Clouds stick around
Where have the sun the breeze the happiness gone
You won't even stay
With a coffee to go
It's all out of my control

We were the ones who fell deeply in love
We were the ones who whispered in the dark
We used to be the ones who didn't care about what comes around
We were the ones fear of being apart
We were the ones who always hanging tough
We're meant to be caught up in the rain

Its getting dark
Clouds stick around
The raindrops took away
your smile that used to be mine
You are still around
Waiting for that coffee to go
I had my eyes closed

Lodged In Time

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

I was gonna wait till the sun goes down
when the streets are buried in golden brown
There you staring quietly at the sun
Frozened in the time that goes on

As you stay alone in your world, and never changed
As I come and go in your world no regrets

Nothing's gonna stay with me all the way
You're the only one never gets away
Emptiness is everything in those eyes
Frankly say I don't even care

As you stay alone in your world, and never changed
As I come and go in your world no regrets

When you lodged yourself, calm and still
in the moment
When the time had stopped its ticking
in the silence

Passing is the time
Staying out of mind

Nighttide Allure

曲:陳珊妮 詞:Pinky Chan

The night has come
When love and tenderness were in a fog
You came alone
And shed your warmth on every one you found

Envious eyes
were prying right into his eyes
to pleasantly laying a trap of love
I’m waiting to seize your love

In a glass of wine I hide my heart and soul
He fell for me under my masquerade

Envious eyes
were prying right into his eyes
to pleasantly laying a trap of love
I’m waiting to seize your love

Envious eyes
to see him right through in his mind
to pleasantly laying a trap of love
I’m going to get your love


曲:米山正夫 詞:小沢不二夫

リンゴの花びらが 風に散ったよな
月夜に 月夜に そっと えええ・・・
つがる娘は ないたとさ
つらい別れを ないたとさ

風に散ったよな あああ・・・・